Reasonable quality for the price paid.
For the most part assembly was pretty easy and hardware provided was very good. However....assembly of the slats, particularly on the back rest, was not possible using the instructions provided. Instructions state:
Insert stoppers (7) and guardrail posts (J) into the bottom guardrail (K) and push down until firmly in place.
Slide the top guardrail (C) onto the guardrail posts (J).
This involves placing (11) slats on top of pieces of foam in each of 11 loose slots on the bottom rail and then placing the top rail on top of this bottom assembly while simultaneously attempting to line-up the end of each of these slats with the corresponding slot in the top rail. Couldnt be done as the slats would be pointing in 11 different directions and constantly falling out of the bottom rail.
My solution was to first stick the slats in the top rail (the one without the foam stoppers) as this allowed greater penetration of the slats making them more stable. The bottom rail, with the foam stoppers could then be more easily lined up with the 11 slats. At this stage I then wrapped this still unstable sub assembly with masking tape, top rail to bottom rail, near each end. Taping is required since the instructions next step has you bolting the still loose backrest assembly to one set of legs at this time.An extra set of hands or, at the least, a box to support the opposite end of the rails and backrest would be helpful at this time.
Two more beds to assemble, but they should be easier now.
Reasonable quality for the price paid. For the most part assembly was pretty easy and hardware provided was very good. However....assembly of the slats, particularly on the back rest, was not possible using the instructions provided. Instructions state: Insert stoppers (7) and guardrail posts (J) into the bottom guardrail (K) and push down until firmly in place. Slide the top guardrail (C) onto the guardrail posts (J). This involves placing (11) slats on top of pieces of foam in each of 11 loose slots on the bottom rail and then placing the top rail on top of this bottom assembly while simultaneously attempting to line-up the end of each of these slats with the corresponding slot in the top rail. Couldnt be done as the slats would be pointing in 11 different directions and constantly falling out of the bottom rail. My solution was to first stick the slats in the top rail (the one without the foam stoppers) as this allowed greater penetration of the slats making them more stable. The bottom rail, with the foam stoppers could then be more easily lined up with the 11 slats. At this stage I then wrapped this still unstable sub assembly with masking tape, top rail to bottom rail, near each end. Taping is required since the instructions next step has you bolting the still loose backrest assembly to one set of legs at this time.An extra set of hands or, at the least, a box to support the opposite end of the rails and backrest would be helpful at this time. Two more beds to assemble, but they should be easier now.