This daybed is pretty. It is solid and sturdy. It is hard to put together. Every piece and slat has to be constructed. It took me 2 and a half hours (alone). Some pieces, like the back kept falling apart every time I tried to attach it to the side rails. Finally I had to use glue to keep it in tack so that it could be attached. When you get to the end you need a screwdriver, which is not included. So while frustrated by having to put together every single piece of the bed (it arrive in a slime tall box) and frustrated that the pieces did not fit together and stay together while being constructed, it is a pretty and sturdy bed. I will spend time in my guest room using it for reading and looking at the mountains and beach.
This daybed is pretty. It is solid and sturdy
This daybed is pretty. It is solid and sturdy. It is hard to put together. Every piece and slat has to be constructed. It took me 2 and a half hours (alone). Some pieces, like the back kept falling apart every time I tried to attach it to the side rails. Finally I had to use glue to keep it in tack so that it could be attached. When you get to the end you need a screwdriver, which is not included. So while frustrated by having to put together every single piece of the bed (it arrive in a slime tall box) and frustrated that the pieces did not fit together and stay together while being constructed, it is a pretty and sturdy bed. I will spend time in my guest room using it for reading and looking at the mountains and beach.