I love this frame. It was easy to assemble and did not take much time. The headboard is soft enough to sit against while sitting up on the bed in my opinion. So far it feels sturdy but if that ever changes I will update the review. There were no issues with quality or looks as far as I noticed. I dont think there is enough room under it to store much unless you have very thin bins but that was not a factor in buying it, it is just something wanted a rating for.
The cards that it came with is a nice idea and touch.
Great purchase
I love this frame. It was easy to assemble and did not take much time. The headboard is soft enough to sit against while sitting up on the bed in my opinion. So far it feels sturdy but if that ever changes I will update the review. There were no issues with quality or looks as far as I noticed. I dont think there is enough room under it to store much unless you have very thin bins but that was not a factor in buying it, it is just something wanted a rating for. The cards that it came with is a nice idea and touch.