This chair came in a very flat box, and we were initially worried there were pieces missing. It was, however, just very well designed for shipping and assembly. It took less than 10 minutes to put together and makes a nice addition to the bedroom where it will be used. I dont think it would be comfortable or sturdy enough for regular use in a hearth or living room, but it is just right for putting shoes on in the morning. The price point is great too.
Stylish and Easy to Assemble
This chair came in a very flat box, and we were initially worried there were pieces missing. It was, however, just very well designed for shipping and assembly. It took less than 10 minutes to put together and makes a nice addition to the bedroom where it will be used. I dont think it would be comfortable or sturdy enough for regular use in a hearth or living room, but it is just right for putting shoes on in the morning. The price point is great too.