Requires patience for delivery and is an occasional sit in chair, not every day use.
The delivery took almost a month and 2 emails to arrive. It is easy to assemble. Reasonably sturdy, comfortable, but very firm, which is what I was looking for in my office. The arms are somewhat uncomfortable, there seems to be padding missing and you can feel the actual wood frame under the . I ordered the red chair, it is actually pink, like a salmon color.
Requires patience for delivery and is an occasional sit in chair, not every day use.
The delivery took almost a month and 2 emails to arrive. It is easy to assemble. Reasonably sturdy, comfortable, but very firm, which is what I was looking for in my office. The arms are somewhat uncomfortable, there seems to be padding missing and you can feel the actual wood frame under the . I ordered the red chair, it is actually pink, like a salmon color.