I am happy to report mine did not come with bugs. I unboxed these outside and carried them in piece by piece after a through inspection.
These are not high quality chairs, but what I expected for the price. I would not classify these chairs as sturdy. I do not let my child climb on them, and I can definitely see them breaking down over time with my 61 220lb husband sitting in them. They have a bit of an awkward lean to them. I have to hold my head up when reclined to watch a very high tv. They are firm, which I like, but after a week you can feel springs in the lower back area. If this was an occasional use chair, they look fantastic and are comfortable for sitting up. I am 54 and small and there is room for a small dog or small child to sit next to me. My feet to extend the foot rest at my ankles.
I had no issue assembling them and it took about 15 minutes per chair including unboxing. Each individual piece is very light, but it came together to form a tight fit.
Happy to report, no insects.
I am happy to report mine did not come with bugs. I unboxed these outside and carried them in piece by piece after a through inspection. These are not high quality chairs, but what I expected for the price. I would not classify these chairs as sturdy. I do not let my child climb on them, and I can definitely see them breaking down over time with my 61 220lb husband sitting in them. They have a bit of an awkward lean to them. I have to hold my head up when reclined to watch a very high tv. They are firm, which I like, but after a week you can feel springs in the lower back area. If this was an occasional use chair, they look fantastic and are comfortable for sitting up. I am 54 and small and there is room for a small dog or small child to sit next to me. My feet to extend the foot rest at my ankles. I had no issue assembling them and it took about 15 minutes per chair including unboxing. Each individual piece is very light, but it came together to form a tight fit.