It goes together easy enough, the instruction are straightforward and every piece is labeled so you know which one to use for each step. Look ahead though as your building and make sure your putting everything together the correct direction, it is possible to put some pieces together the opposite direction of each other and not notice until later and have to take a far amount apart again.
Just understand that you are buying CHEAP particle board that has a thin weakly applied veneer. This wood is very soft so its very possible to overtighten screws with just a screw driver, and even a piece of scotch tape is liable to rip off chunks of veneer. Ive been careful around it, so I havent scratch it yet, but I am sure it will scratch easily too.
It gets the job done, and it does look nice once its put together and set up. I have no faith in it lasting long term though.
Its what you should expect for the price
It goes together easy enough, the instruction are straightforward and every piece is labeled so you know which one to use for each step. Look ahead though as your building and make sure your putting everything together the correct direction, it is possible to put some pieces together the opposite direction of each other and not notice until later and have to take a far amount apart again. Just understand that you are buying CHEAP particle board that has a thin weakly applied veneer. This wood is very soft so its very possible to overtighten screws with just a screw driver, and even a piece of scotch tape is liable to rip off chunks of veneer. Ive been careful around it, so I havent scratch it yet, but I am sure it will scratch easily too. It gets the job done, and it does look nice once its put together and set up. I have no faith in it lasting long term though.