This bench is the exactly the size and shape I wanted. It was easy to assemble and very sturdy. I ordered the beige soft fabric. The fabric is very soft, but the color is a lot lighter than pictured. I was thinking it would be a light brown (beige). In full daylight it almost looks light grey to us. At night it does lean toward a browner hue, but it is very light in color. The only other issue is that the fabric is a bit wrinkled already from only being sat on a couple times. Overall, for the price, I think its a great bench. If not for the color, I would give it 5 stars.
Very nice but Im a little disappointed
This bench is the exactly the size and shape I wanted. It was easy to assemble and very sturdy. I ordered the beige soft fabric. The fabric is very soft, but the color is a lot lighter than pictured. I was thinking it would be a light brown (beige). In full daylight it almost looks light grey to us. At night it does lean toward a browner hue, but it is very light in color. The only other issue is that the fabric is a bit wrinkled already from only being sat on a couple times. Overall, for the price, I think its a great bench. If not for the color, I would give it 5 stars.