This table is exactly what I expected. Perfect size, nice finish, easy to assemble and very sturdy. Perfect for my new home office. The only reason it does not get 5 stars is that the table top was damaged at the corner right out of the box. Examining the packaging, this was most probably an issue with the handling during delivery. However after spending 30 minutes assembling most of the table, I was not willing to dismantle, repack and send it back. The supplier might want to explore how to improve the packaging, especially at the corners to avoid this. Otherwise happy with the product!
Minor damage
This table is exactly what I expected. Perfect size, nice finish, easy to assemble and very sturdy. Perfect for my new home office. The only reason it does not get 5 stars is that the table top was damaged at the corner right out of the box. Examining the packaging, this was most probably an issue with the handling during delivery. However after spending 30 minutes assembling most of the table, I was not willing to dismantle, repack and send it back. The supplier might want to explore how to improve the packaging, especially at the corners to avoid this. Otherwise happy with the product!