Very solid for 85lb and 45lb daughters, surprisingly so...
It takes about 2 hours to assemble, the boxes are heavy. I was shocked, shocked I tell you, how well made it is for like $200.00. The directions are clear with pictures and to my additional shock they included one extra bolt, nut, washer and screw, yes, one of each variety for the first time, I have ever seen that. These are not bunk beds for adults although and adult could sleep on them. the slats are plywood pine, a few will break eventually. or you could go buy a great set of slats from Ikea... Bed is five stars for the girls...
Very solid for 85lb and 45lb daughters, surprisingly so...
It takes about 2 hours to assemble, the boxes are heavy. I was shocked, shocked I tell you, how well made it is for like $200.00. The directions are clear with pictures and to my additional shock they included one extra bolt, nut, washer and screw, yes, one of each variety for the first time, I have ever seen that. These are not bunk beds for adults although and adult could sleep on them. the slats are plywood pine, a few will break eventually. or you could go buy a great set of slats from Ikea... Bed is five stars for the girls...