I must say, these are some great stools. We just refinished our kitchen, with a stone countertop that has the 12 counter overhang, and I just couldn't find the right stool that fit the space. Found these and read the reviews, almost all positive. Only constant negative I read, was that some folks fell backwards...well, it's a single pedestal stool, you're not supposed to lean back or you will fall over....LOL! One review in particular, from Michael These are literally perfect for the price. was the one that solidified my decision to buy them. Super easy to assemble, like 10 minutes each stool. They are very comfortable and being adjustable, they are perfect for the height of the countertop regardless of who sits in the chair, tall or small! I may just order a back up pair for just in case!
Wow, these stools are awesome!
I must say, these are some great stools. We just refinished our kitchen, with a stone countertop that has the 12 counter overhang, and I just couldn't find the right stool that fit the space. Found these and read the reviews, almost all positive. Only constant negative I read, was that some folks fell backwards...well, it's a single pedestal stool, you're not supposed to lean back or you will fall over....LOL! One review in particular, from Michael These are literally perfect for the price. was the one that solidified my decision to buy them. Super easy to assemble, like 10 minutes each stool. They are very comfortable and being adjustable, they are perfect for the height of the countertop regardless of who sits in the chair, tall or small! I may just order a back up pair for just in case!