I was able to put these four chairs together fairly easily by myself, with some assistance from my husband with attaching the backs to the seats. The pieces were all there, and it was well packaged. There were no broken pieces. We have had them for a short period of time, but they seem sturdy so far. We are planning on storing them in the garage over the winter to protect them from Michigan snow though. For the price, I would be happy if they last 2 seasons. We will see how well they hold up!
Good Chairs for Price
I was able to put these four chairs together fairly easily by myself, with some assistance from my husband with attaching the backs to the seats. The pieces were all there, and it was well packaged. There were no broken pieces. We have had them for a short period of time, but they seem sturdy so far. We are planning on storing them in the garage over the winter to protect them from Michigan snow though. For the price, I would be happy if they last 2 seasons. We will see how well they hold up!