Easy enough for one person to assemble, probably would be smoother and quicker with two. Very sturdy and holds a decent amount for the price. If youre expecting it to be as sturdy as a real wood $500+ cabinet, you will be disappointed, but it more than handles the things I need to store using it as a pantry cabinet. Looks nicer than the plain door version. The doors are adjustable once hung so I assume the reviews stating they didnt hang right didnt take the time to adjust them (instructions are included on how to adjust the doors). Very happy with my purchase. Would recommend 100% as a budget storage option.
Perfect for the price!
Easy enough for one person to assemble, probably would be smoother and quicker with two. Very sturdy and holds a decent amount for the price. If youre expecting it to be as sturdy as a real wood $500+ cabinet, you will be disappointed, but it more than handles the things I need to store using it as a pantry cabinet. Looks nicer than the plain door version. The doors are adjustable once hung so I assume the reviews stating they didnt hang right didnt take the time to adjust them (instructions are included on how to adjust the doors). Very happy with my purchase. Would recommend 100% as a budget storage option.