It only took like 40 seconds to assemble, you literally just screw on the legs. The chair is light in weight but also feels quite sturdy to sit in. I'm 5'10 and i fit comfortably in the seat. It comes up to mid-back. I think it is great for short-term sitting, I couldn't imagine sitting in it for longer than 2 hours because my upper back would need more support. I personally really love the soft fabric, the only downside is it leaves a butt print for the world to see when you get up lol. All in all, it's exactly what I wanted for my space. Affordable, stylish, and functional. Love it.
Perfect for me
It only took like 40 seconds to assemble, you literally just screw on the legs. The chair is light in weight but also feels quite sturdy to sit in. I'm 5'10 and i fit comfortably in the seat. It comes up to mid-back. I think it is great for short-term sitting, I couldn't imagine sitting in it for longer than 2 hours because my upper back would need more support. I personally really love the soft fabric, the only downside is it leaves a butt print for the world to see when you get up lol. All in all, it's exactly what I wanted for my space. Affordable, stylish, and functional. Love it.