I love!!this full over full bed seems very sturdy so far and just looks nice product !overall. We hired someone to come put the bed together it took him about 2 to 3 hrs to put it together by himself so I would say maybe get a professional to put it together did seem pretty daunting with all the parts and pieces. My sister and her two kids were able to sleep on the bottom bunk together comfortably I would just that depending on your mattress thickness is the amount of space youll have in between bunks and also on the top bunk how much space from ceiling I think our mattress are a bit too thick but theyre really comfortable!
Not your typical bunk bed
I love!!this full over full bed seems very sturdy so far and just looks nice product !overall. We hired someone to come put the bed together it took him about 2 to 3 hrs to put it together by himself so I would say maybe get a professional to put it together did seem pretty daunting with all the parts and pieces. My sister and her two kids were able to sleep on the bottom bunk together comfortably I would just that depending on your mattress thickness is the amount of space youll have in between bunks and also on the top bunk how much space from ceiling I think our mattress are a bit too thick but theyre really comfortable!