So easy to put together, comfortable and sturdy. They appear to be well made. Grandkids spun on them for a couple days. When you sit way back in the chair it feels like a bit of a bump. (Second picture) Doesnt bother me, my husband pointed it out. Overall happy with the purchase. Thinking of getting a couple more. I had been searching for the right height stool for a year. These were perfect because we could adjust.
Great Bar Stool!
So easy to put together, comfortable and sturdy. They appear to be well made. Grandkids spun on them for a couple days. When you sit way back in the chair it feels like a bit of a bump. (Second picture) Doesnt bother me, my husband pointed it out. Overall happy with the purchase. Thinking of getting a couple more. I had been searching for the right height stool for a year. These were perfect because we could adjust.