Relatively easy to assemble, shipped quickly. Fairly sturdy, we put extra pieces of wood on the frame where the bed rests to make it more sturdy.
I wish the weight limit was posted in the description or at least made more clear. The pamphlet states 165 pounds while the warning sticker on the frame says 200. We purchased this frame to make the small guest room more spacious by being able to store things beneath it, a 27 inch tall dresser fits under snugly with about a half inch gap.
Slightly shorter, overall good
Relatively easy to assemble, shipped quickly. Fairly sturdy, we put extra pieces of wood on the frame where the bed rests to make it more sturdy. I wish the weight limit was posted in the description or at least made more clear. The pamphlet states 165 pounds while the warning sticker on the frame says 200. We purchased this frame to make the small guest room more spacious by being able to store things beneath it, a 27 inch tall dresser fits under snugly with about a half inch gap.