Overall a very nice looking nightstand and seems sturdy. But it arrived with a broken drawer front because the legs were packed in that drawer with no packing material to keep them from thrashing around in it and breaking it. The nightstand itself was very well packed but the legs were not. I was able to fix the drawer but I'm sure it won't be as sturdy as it would have been if it had not been so foolishly packed. I love the color . I got the Walnut but it is very dark, almost espresso, which I like.
Nice nightstand, broken drawer, poorly packed
Overall a very nice looking nightstand and seems sturdy. But it arrived with a broken drawer front because the legs were packed in that drawer with no packing material to keep them from thrashing around in it and breaking it. The nightstand itself was very well packed but the legs were not. I was able to fix the drawer but I'm sure it won't be as sturdy as it would have been if it had not been so foolishly packed. I love the color . I got the Walnut but it is very dark, almost espresso, which I like.