It seems sturdy enough, and I like how you can adjust the shelf height. BUT, it scratches incredibly easily. I presume the makers know this as they ship it with a whole bunch of stickers to cover up spots, but theyre fairly noticable (especially when sunlight shines on them). There are probably 10 scratches on various places from building it, which normally wouldnt be an issue but the the white underside shows on all of them. But I mean its a good price, so you get what you paid for.
Scratches easily
It seems sturdy enough, and I like how you can adjust the shelf height. BUT, it scratches incredibly easily. I presume the makers know this as they ship it with a whole bunch of stickers to cover up spots, but theyre fairly noticable (especially when sunlight shines on them). There are probably 10 scratches on various places from building it, which normally wouldnt be an issue but the the white underside shows on all of them. But I mean its a good price, so you get what you paid for.