It really is nice. The extra storage is fantastic and its sturdy enough to hold my old 2011 55 flat screen, which is pretty heavy. It was fairly easy to assemble and the instructions were fairly clear, though some things I did have to figure out on my own, but nothing serious. It definitely helps to have a helping hand when assembling this, cause its long and some of the pieces are awkward to work with and having someone to hold it up while you put stuff together is ideal. Peoples complaints about the lack of wood glue is somewhat true, they are a bit stingy with it, but the bits its used for seem like theyd honestly be fine without it, but if you want the extra peace of mind, pick some extra up. Everything came in good condition, with only a few tiny scratches here and there, but nothing a tiny bit of paint wouldnt cover easily .recommend
Its a great buy! Have a friend to help!
It really is nice. The extra storage is fantastic and its sturdy enough to hold my old 2011 55 flat screen, which is pretty heavy. It was fairly easy to assemble and the instructions were fairly clear, though some things I did have to figure out on my own, but nothing serious. It definitely helps to have a helping hand when assembling this, cause its long and some of the pieces are awkward to work with and having someone to hold it up while you put stuff together is ideal. Peoples complaints about the lack of wood glue is somewhat true, they are a bit stingy with it, but the bits its used for seem like theyd honestly be fine without it, but if you want the extra peace of mind, pick some extra up. Everything came in good condition, with only a few tiny scratches here and there, but nothing a tiny bit of paint wouldnt cover easily .recommend