Quite easy to assemble. No missing parts and instructions were helpful. Just take your time and dont be in a rush. The quality is good. It isnt wobbly and doesnt feel like its going to fall apart. Fits a 65 inch television just about right. So if I hadnt wall mounted my TV it would fit exactly just right along the top. Good color and consistency in the wood that make it look high quality. I am pleased with this purchase. .recommend
Sturdy and Good quality.
Quite easy to assemble. No missing parts and instructions were helpful. Just take your time and dont be in a rush. The quality is good. It isnt wobbly and doesnt feel like its going to fall apart. Fits a 65 inch television just about right. So if I hadnt wall mounted my TV it would fit exactly just right along the top. Good color and consistency in the wood that make it look high quality. I am pleased with this purchase. .recommend