I will keep it simple and to the point the bed is great quality. Sturdy once put together. It took about 2 1/2 hours and I put it together on my own. The most frustrating thing is getting to one screw that simply does not line up no matter what you do. Other than that, the bed is great. There is a great amount of storage space underneath and enough room for my 7 year old to play comfortably. I would recommend this bed.
That one screw!!
I will keep it simple and to the point the bed is great quality. Sturdy once put together. It took about 2 1/2 hours and I put it together on my own. The most frustrating thing is getting to one screw that simply does not line up no matter what you do. Other than that, the bed is great. There is a great amount of storage space underneath and enough room for my 7 year old to play comfortably. I would recommend this bed.