I have some leather arm chairs and I desperately wanted a small Accent Chair that would fit under my desk. This works perfectly and looks great with my brown leather chair! It's fairly well priced, but of course the fake leather is not the best. There's no damage or wear so far with use, but since it is a thinner fake leather covering, I expect after much more use it will wear down and show some fading.
This is worth the price though, easy to assemble, and a comfortable height! I really like it for my office, so much so I bought one for my partner. They're also small enough to store under my chairs which is useful for in my living room.
Perfect Little Stool!!
I have some leather arm chairs and I desperately wanted a small Accent Chair that would fit under my desk. This works perfectly and looks great with my brown leather chair! It's fairly well priced, but of course the fake leather is not the best. There's no damage or wear so far with use, but since it is a thinner fake leather covering, I expect after much more use it will wear down and show some fading. This is worth the price though, easy to assemble, and a comfortable height! I really like it for my office, so much so I bought one for my partner. They're also small enough to store under my chairs which is useful for in my living room.