This is sturdy and very good quality for the price. All of the holes line up perfectly during assembly. I assembled it alone in about 3 hours, but it would have been easier, at a few stages, to have an assistant. Im a woman in my 60s and love to solve a good puzzle so it was fun to put together. The parts are well labeled and it arrived well packaged without a scratch, ding or dent to be found. I am using it as a kitchen piece to store large awkward kitchen items. I highly recommend this cabinet.
Good quality for theEasy directions.
This is sturdy and very good quality for the price. All of the holes line up perfectly during assembly. I assembled it alone in about 3 hours, but it would have been easier, at a few stages, to have an assistant. Im a woman in my 60s and love to solve a good puzzle so it was fun to put together. The parts are well labeled and it arrived well packaged without a scratch, ding or dent to be found. I am using it as a kitchen piece to store large awkward kitchen items. I highly recommend this cabinet.