Great product, easy to assemble and sturdy enough for most items
First let me say, I read the one star reviews and have come to the conclusion those people are brain dead. The product is awesome for the price and it sturdy enough to hold heavy models (made of metal) when used as a display case. I put lights in mine and its just cool as heck. Im buying two more. Ill upload pics later. BTW its not hard at all do assemble.
Great product, easy to assemble and sturdy enough for most items
First let me say, I read the one star reviews and have come to the conclusion those people are brain dead. The product is awesome for the price and it sturdy enough to hold heavy models (made of metal) when used as a display case. I put lights in mine and its just cool as heck. Im buying two more. Ill upload pics later. BTW its not hard at all do assemble.