The product was everything advertised with the exception of the assembly time. Not sure who could assemble this is 10-15 minutes. It's not hard. But setting 16 Philips wood screws without pilot holes alone can take that much time.
When I received the product, I could not find the instructions or the parts to assemble. I finally realized they are all conveniently placed underneath and inside a zippered compartment in the Left (Right for the right handed L orientation) section. Once that was located it all went together nicely.
It's a great value. Love it!
Great Value!!!
The product was everything advertised with the exception of the assembly time. Not sure who could assemble this is 10-15 minutes. It's not hard. But setting 16 Philips wood screws without pilot holes alone can take that much time. When I received the product, I could not find the instructions or the parts to assemble. I finally realized they are all conveniently placed underneath and inside a zippered compartment in the Left (Right for the right handed L orientation) section. Once that was located it all went together nicely. It's a great value. Love it!