Great for the price. I paid 70 for each when they were out of stock, so had to wait a while to get them. But happy with my purchase. Easy to assemble, came with assembly instructions. They are delicate and cheaply made, hence the price is significantly cheaper than other similar pantry cabinets. But its strong enough to hold what I need including a full shelf of canned foods (low on stock in the picture, but was full when I started using salt a month ago).
Happy with my purchase.
Gets the job done looks clean!
Great for the price. I paid 70 for each when they were out of stock, so had to wait a while to get them. But happy with my purchase. Easy to assemble, came with assembly instructions. They are delicate and cheaply made, hence the price is significantly cheaper than other similar pantry cabinets. But its strong enough to hold what I need including a full shelf of canned foods (low on stock in the picture, but was full when I started using salt a month ago). Happy with my purchase.