My daughter was so excited once the bed got put together, it took about an hour to assemble (easy to assemble). It fits her room and personality perfectly and Im so happy I made the purchase. The price matches the quality and it is very useful for my daughter who like to build forts, and play in little areas! The bed has railings on the side so she doesnt fall off, she slept great and safely. Highly recommend buying this for a 5+ year old(s)
My daughter loves it!
My daughter was so excited once the bed got put together, it took about an hour to assemble (easy to assemble). It fits her room and personality perfectly and Im so happy I made the purchase. The price matches the quality and it is very useful for my daughter who like to build forts, and play in little areas! The bed has railings on the side so she doesnt fall off, she slept great and safely. Highly recommend buying this for a 5+ year old(s)