I just needed a little more storage and countertop space after moving, and I decided that this was the perfect item. I gave it four stars for sturdiness only because it isnt solid wood. However, for the price it is PLENTY sturdy.
Now for the assembly time. Yes it took a while and no Im not sure exactly how much time. That said, having read the reviews I inventoried all the parts immediately. I laid everything out in alpha/numeric order and then I skimmed through the manual before I started. It took about 15 minutes just to figure out how to get past one of the steps. So yes, it took a while but if youre patient, youll be happy with the final result.
Worth the Assembly Time
I just needed a little more storage and countertop space after moving, and I decided that this was the perfect item. I gave it four stars for sturdiness only because it isnt solid wood. However, for the price it is PLENTY sturdy. Now for the assembly time. Yes it took a while and no Im not sure exactly how much time. That said, having read the reviews I inventoried all the parts immediately. I laid everything out in alpha/numeric order and then I skimmed through the manual before I started. It took about 15 minutes just to figure out how to get past one of the steps. So yes, it took a while but if youre patient, youll be happy with the final result.