I had very high hopes for this cabinet after reading the reviews. The reality was beyond disappointing. There are 3 drawers. I received 4 left sides and 2 right sides. Because of the guides, they are not interchangeable. One of the drawer guides attached to the cabinet had a broken piece. The guide holes for the top did not line up and took a lot of manhandling to fit. The locking mechanisms that held it together were almost impossible to close. It could not be done by hand and required the handle of a screwdriver to accomplish. I contacted the company, but have not heard anything from them so far.
EDIT / I contacted the companys support page and explained the problem. They were very responsive and helpful and sent me the replacement parts. I got them 3 days later. The island is beautiful and very functional with great storage.
Corrected Pieces missing/broken hardware
I had very high hopes for this cabinet after reading the reviews. The reality was beyond disappointing. There are 3 drawers. I received 4 left sides and 2 right sides. Because of the guides, they are not interchangeable. One of the drawer guides attached to the cabinet had a broken piece. The guide holes for the top did not line up and took a lot of manhandling to fit. The locking mechanisms that held it together were almost impossible to close. It could not be done by hand and required the handle of a screwdriver to accomplish. I contacted the company, but have not heard anything from them so far. EDIT / I contacted the companys support page and explained the problem. They were very responsive and helpful and sent me the replacement parts. I got them 3 days later. The island is beautiful and very functional with great storage.