Okay so this is a great buy. I love that is low to the floor! my children are notorious for shoving everything under their beds when its time to clean up.
As for assembly: it is pretty easy the directions are easy to follow. my only complaint on assembly is the screws at the very bottom are a royal pain to secure. You have to use partial turns repeatedly in order to fasten well. There are a few plastic securing pieces that snapped but there are some extras included.
Overall Im happy with this purchase.
Loving the height of this bunkbeds!
Okay so this is a great buy. I love that is low to the floor! my children are notorious for shoving everything under their beds when its time to clean up. As for assembly: it is pretty easy the directions are easy to follow. my only complaint on assembly is the screws at the very bottom are a royal pain to secure. You have to use partial turns repeatedly in order to fasten well. There are a few plastic securing pieces that snapped but there are some extras included. Overall Im happy with this purchase.