This daybed frame as incredibly easy to assemble. I was able to assemble it without any assistance. It is sturdy and perfect for my needs. It came with all the tools needed, as well as a few extras! All the parts were clearly marked. The box was very heavy so you may need help carrying it. I used a dolly to move it as far as I could and opened the box outside to remove the contents. The packaging was very well done, all parts were protected. Very impressed!
Ease of Assembly
This daybed frame as incredibly easy to assemble. I was able to assemble it without any assistance. It is sturdy and perfect for my needs. It came with all the tools needed, as well as a few extras! All the parts were clearly marked. The box was very heavy so you may need help carrying it. I used a dolly to move it as far as I could and opened the box outside to remove the contents. The packaging was very well done, all parts were protected. Very impressed!