From the moment we were finally able to assemble it I loved it! It is super sturdy and good quality. It is definitely worth the price. Im so glad I chose this tv stand. Knocked off a star because it is very difficult to assemble, it took my boyfriend and I at least four hours. It also got delivered to the wrong house at least my neighbor was nice enough to ring my doorbell and tell me, the box is also extremely heavy so make sure you have help. Overall, I am satisfied with my purchase and would buy again from this company.
So pretty!!
From the moment we were finally able to assemble it I loved it! It is super sturdy and good quality. It is definitely worth the price. Im so glad I chose this tv stand. Knocked off a star because it is very difficult to assemble, it took my boyfriend and I at least four hours. It also got delivered to the wrong house at least my neighbor was nice enough to ring my doorbell and tell me, the box is also extremely heavy so make sure you have help. Overall, I am satisfied with my purchase and would buy again from this company.