Good bed. I put it together myself easily. The only issue I have encountered was a missing step 7 that should have indicated to add the posts by the head and foot board before adding other posts. And better instruction to insert the black plastic caps to the ends of each post. I figured it out quickly but something to note as your putting the bed together.
Aside from the instructions it came in well wrapped with zero blemishes. Everything fit as it should without issue. Its very sturdy and doesnt squeak. I am happy with the bed frame.
Sturdy non squeaky
Good bed. I put it together myself easily. The only issue I have encountered was a missing step 7 that should have indicated to add the posts by the head and foot board before adding other posts. And better instruction to insert the black plastic caps to the ends of each post. I figured it out quickly but something to note as your putting the bed together. Aside from the instructions it came in well wrapped with zero blemishes. Everything fit as it should without issue. Its very sturdy and doesnt squeak. I am happy with the bed frame.