Fold Platform Bed : Best as 2 piece 4 high platform pair.
Adding the extended legs and mechanism was more hassle than it was worth.I am sticking with just the 2 platform pairs.Each raises futon 4 above floor.Added 5 stick-on vinyl dots to each of the 4 platform support beams to keep the platform wood from contact with the floor.The milling of the lumber looks very good.And 2 individual platforms are much easier to deal with separately , than if they were connected for more than twice as heavy)Did not require use of a drill for the self-tapping wood screws.Plus, with no height-raising legs, lateral stress is much less likely to be a problem.Am using a pair of 1 thick yoga mats between platforms, futon.
Fold Platform Bed : Best as 2 piece 4 high platform pair.
Adding the extended legs and mechanism was more hassle than it was worth.I am sticking with just the 2 platform pairs.Each raises futon 4 above floor.Added 5 stick-on vinyl dots to each of the 4 platform support beams to keep the platform wood from contact with the floor.The milling of the lumber looks very good.And 2 individual platforms are much easier to deal with separately , than if they were connected for more than twice as heavy)Did not require use of a drill for the self-tapping wood screws.Plus, with no height-raising legs, lateral stress is much less likely to be a problem.Am using a pair of 1 thick yoga mats between platforms, futon.