Absolutely love this futon! It arrived pretty quickly and only took about 10min to assemble. It is on the small end but thats exactly what I was looking for. I would NOT purchase this if youre expecting multiple guests to sleep on this for multiple days. Its not super comfortable to sleep on and Im 52 and barely fit. It would work in a pinch if you had an unexpected guest staying the night and look amazing the rest of the time to sit, read a book, work on the computer, etc. Its also cat approved.
Super cute!
Absolutely love this futon! It arrived pretty quickly and only took about 10min to assemble. It is on the small end but thats exactly what I was looking for. I would NOT purchase this if youre expecting multiple guests to sleep on this for multiple days. Its not super comfortable to sleep on and Im 52 and barely fit. It would work in a pinch if you had an unexpected guest staying the night and look amazing the rest of the time to sit, read a book, work on the computer, etc. Its also cat approved.