The sofa is a true wonder. It is easy for two people to assemble. There is only about 16 parts, including the cushion expander filling. Two throw pillows are also included and match perfectly.
It is sturdy without being heavy, simple but stylish, and very comfortable. It does not look cheap or flimsy. We placed it in our family room facing the open concept kitchen. Now the chef will not be isolated while cooking for guests or family. I rate it a four. Once it is dog tested, I will revisit this rating and hopefully revise it upward. If I did not have dogs, I would rate it a five now. For the moment it has a cover on the seat cushions to protect it from dog nails. The dogs are still cautious and have not used it yet.
jodie marino nachioson
It is easy for two people to assemble
The sofa is a true wonder. It is easy for two people to assemble. There is only about 16 parts, including the cushion expander filling. Two throw pillows are also included and match perfectly. It is sturdy without being heavy, simple but stylish, and very comfortable. It does not look cheap or flimsy. We placed it in our family room facing the open concept kitchen. Now the chef will not be isolated while cooking for guests or family. I rate it a four. Once it is dog tested, I will revisit this rating and hopefully revise it upward. If I did not have dogs, I would rate it a five now. For the moment it has a cover on the seat cushions to protect it from dog nails. The dogs are still cautious and have not used it yet. jodie marino nachioson