I love the under bed storage and the headboard. Outstanding assembly directions.
Not too difficult to put together. The directions were easy to follow. They were detailed step-by-step directions. I was impressed with the ease of assembly.
I had a couple of screws that were too short and one bed brace that would not fit properly into the frame. I had to remove one of the plastic locks so that the brace would fit into the frame. There are two pieces that form a center brace for the frame. The screws needed to secure these braces were a bit too short to be secure and stable.
It is an easy assemble with two people. I put it together by myself and at times it was a bit tricky putting in the screws while holding the pieces stable. Challenging but not impossible to assemble by yourself.
Now that it is fully assembled, it makes a lovely guest room bed.
I love the under bed storage and the headboard. Outstanding assembly directions.
Not too difficult to put together. The directions were easy to follow. They were detailed step-by-step directions. I was impressed with the ease of assembly. I had a couple of screws that were too short and one bed brace that would not fit properly into the frame. I had to remove one of the plastic locks so that the brace would fit into the frame. There are two pieces that form a center brace for the frame. The screws needed to secure these braces were a bit too short to be secure and stable. It is an easy assemble with two people. I put it together by myself and at times it was a bit tricky putting in the screws while holding the pieces stable. Challenging but not impossible to assemble by yourself. Now that it is fully assembled, it makes a lovely guest room bed.