this bed was great for my toddler's small bedroom. It fits an 8 mattress perfectly and it is very sturdy. My daughter is 4 yrs old and she'll be able to use this for quite a few years. The only thing i did not like is that once assembled, the screws are very noticeable. It sort of clashes because they're silver and the bed is gold. I'll probably spray paint them to match the bed. Either way i feel it is a great investment and give it 5 stars!
Great quality!
this bed was great for my toddler's small bedroom. It fits an 8 mattress perfectly and it is very sturdy. My daughter is 4 yrs old and she'll be able to use this for quite a few years. The only thing i did not like is that once assembled, the screws are very noticeable. It sort of clashes because they're silver and the bed is gold. I'll probably spray paint them to match the bed. Either way i feel it is a great investment and give it 5 stars!