I havent used this 15 patio umbrella much yet, but so far Im satisfied with the amount of shade it provides. The assembly instructions were easy to follow, and setting up the unit was fairly simple. It comes with a small wrench, but my own end wrench worked better. Filling the two sandbags takes time. I used 75 lbs of sand in each sandbag. Plastic parts for the base snap together quickly. One thing the instructions omitted is the pin that hangs on a small chain near the top of the pole. With the umbrella fully open, that pin goes through a pre/drilled hole in the pole to prevent the canopy from accidentally folding up.
Plenty of shade for the patio
I havent used this 15 patio umbrella much yet, but so far Im satisfied with the amount of shade it provides. The assembly instructions were easy to follow, and setting up the unit was fairly simple. It comes with a small wrench, but my own end wrench worked better. Filling the two sandbags takes time. I used 75 lbs of sand in each sandbag. Plastic parts for the base snap together quickly. One thing the instructions omitted is the pin that hangs on a small chain near the top of the pole. With the umbrella fully open, that pin goes through a pre/drilled hole in the pole to prevent the canopy from accidentally folding up.