We transitioned right from a crib to this with my 3 year old son (who is a rule follower for sure.) he loves this bed! It took my father and husband 4 hours to put together. There were a few screws missing but overall it was about as advertised. We are very happy with this. My son is too short to get on the top bunk using the ladder but thats perfect for us. he sleeps on the bottom bunk.
Love this
We transitioned right from a crib to this with my 3 year old son (who is a rule follower for sure.) he loves this bed! It took my father and husband 4 hours to put together. There were a few screws missing but overall it was about as advertised. We are very happy with this. My son is too short to get on the top bunk using the ladder but thats perfect for us. he sleeps on the bottom bunk.