Had this for 3 weeks now. It is a great sofa. I bought for my toddler game room. He love to seat on it for TV and play his toy on it. Very light weight easy to move around, it also can lay flat on floor. The adjust back support is great for 3 different location. Great for sleep on. The only thing I do not like is it come with a smell from the sofa, I have spry some good smell on it to clean it up. Great customer service!
Good move around floor sofa
Had this for 3 weeks now. It is a great sofa. I bought for my toddler game room. He love to seat on it for TV and play his toy on it. Very light weight easy to move around, it also can lay flat on floor. The adjust back support is great for 3 different location. Great for sleep on. The only thing I do not like is it come with a smell from the sofa, I have spry some good smell on it to clean it up. Great customer service!