The product has a lot of imperfections when you open the box. The weight limit in the picture says 300lbs, in the description says 250lbs, and on the product itself has a sticker stating 265lbs, so who actually knows. Over all though the chair is very cute, it’s comfortable, and it was very easy to put together as long as you don’t have arthritis like myself, I had a bit of trouble getting the wheels to pop in. I’d probably give it an 8/10 as long as you don’t mind the imperfections and the unknown weight limit, lol.
Comfortable easy assembly
The product has a lot of imperfections when you open the box. The weight limit in the picture says 300lbs, in the description says 250lbs, and on the product itself has a sticker stating 265lbs, so who actually knows. Over all though the chair is very cute, it’s comfortable, and it was very easy to put together as long as you don’t have arthritis like myself, I had a bit of trouble getting the wheels to pop in. I’d probably give it an 8/10 as long as you don’t mind the imperfections and the unknown weight limit, lol.