I love this chair. It was delivered pretty quickly for a big item and only took 20 minutes to assemble. The gray color is nice - it’s not quite velvet but the fabric seems like good quality and easy to clean. I was looking for a nicer-looking desk chair for my new home office that was also comfortable and this fit the bill. I do wish the back came up a little higher since I’m tall but in general, this is a great chair.
Great home office chair!
I love this chair. It was delivered pretty quickly for a big item and only took 20 minutes to assemble. The gray color is nice - it’s not quite velvet but the fabric seems like good quality and easy to clean. I was looking for a nicer-looking desk chair for my new home office that was also comfortable and this fit the bill. I do wish the back came up a little higher since I’m tall but in general, this is a great chair.