Sturdy and easy to assemble even with minimal instructions
The assembly instructions are not the clearest, but the assembly is rather easy. There were no instructions to separate drawer tracks but a simple video tutorial was all it took. The bed feels super sturdy. The wood is not real wood but it feels very thick. The drawers fit nicely underneath the bed, they are only actually attached the base with a couple screws so they dont have to be used for their intended purpose under the bed.
Sturdy and easy to assemble even with minimal instructions
The assembly instructions are not the clearest, but the assembly is rather easy. There were no instructions to separate drawer tracks but a simple video tutorial was all it took. The bed feels super sturdy. The wood is not real wood but it feels very thick. The drawers fit nicely underneath the bed, they are only actually attached the base with a couple screws so they dont have to be used for their intended purpose under the bed.