This was easy to assemble! And its sturdy. It came in perfect condition and was wrapped well! I would give it 5 stars but the only issue was the spacing of the slats. When we got our mattress the guys who delivered it said they were a little too far apart and could affect the life of our mattress, so wed either need extra slats or use pegboard underneath so it could still breathe. We went with pegboard and it was an extra $40, but well worth it! I would still purchase this again, even needing the extra slats/pegboard. Five Stars love the color
I am very happy with this!
This was easy to assemble! And its sturdy. It came in perfect condition and was wrapped well! I would give it 5 stars but the only issue was the spacing of the slats. When we got our mattress the guys who delivered it said they were a little too far apart and could affect the life of our mattress, so wed either need extra slats or use pegboard underneath so it could still breathe. We went with pegboard and it was an extra $40, but well worth it! I would still purchase this again, even needing the extra slats/pegboard. Five Stars love the color