This is super sturdy! It doesnt even creak when I lay on it. I can lay on it with my kids and it holds up (over 350lb combined!). There are a LOT of supports for the mattress, making it very comfortable to lay on and safe enough for a lot of weight. I lovee the platform style as my memory foam mattress feels best with this kind of support vs a box spring.
It takes about an hour to put together. The directions are very clear, its just time consuming to put all the supports on. The finished product looks really nice!!!! I was worried because the box it comes in is a bit small, but the finished look is fantastic!
Adult friendly! Very very sturdy
This is super sturdy! It doesnt even creak when I lay on it. I can lay on it with my kids and it holds up (over 350lb combined!). There are a LOT of supports for the mattress, making it very comfortable to lay on and safe enough for a lot of weight. I lovee the platform style as my memory foam mattress feels best with this kind of support vs a box spring. It takes about an hour to put together. The directions are very clear, its just time consuming to put all the supports on. The finished product looks really nice!!!! I was worried because the box it comes in is a bit small, but the finished look is fantastic!