The frame seems very sturdy and was easy enough to assemble. It sits high enough to place storage containers underneath and hide with a bed skirt, if desired. I had an old frame with drawers previously but the drawers no longer set in correctly and this frame provides more storage space for bins or clothing bags.
I bought a free-standing headboard but you can attach a headboard to the frame.
Moving the frame would not be difficult with the design.
Bonus: my cats lovee going under the bed and have plenty of room under there!
Im happy with the purchase so far in the few weeks weve had it.
Great, simple bed frame.
The frame seems very sturdy and was easy enough to assemble. It sits high enough to place storage containers underneath and hide with a bed skirt, if desired. I had an old frame with drawers previously but the drawers no longer set in correctly and this frame provides more storage space for bins or clothing bags. I bought a free-standing headboard but you can attach a headboard to the frame. Moving the frame would not be difficult with the design. Bonus: my cats lovee going under the bed and have plenty of room under there! Im happy with the purchase so far in the few weeks weve had it.