The bad was pretty easy to assemble with just one person. It seems pretty sturdy however the slats are metal and most of them seem scratched or worn as if they had been used on a bed previously. I dont think they will impact the sturdiness of the bed but it was disappointing to have a new piece of furniture look so used. I did contact the company and it looks like they will replace the slats but honestly after all the work to put them together, it would be difficult to remove them and replace.
Bed seems fine but slats were scratched and worn
The bad was pretty easy to assemble with just one person. It seems pretty sturdy however the slats are metal and most of them seem scratched or worn as if they had been used on a bed previously. I dont think they will impact the sturdiness of the bed but it was disappointing to have a new piece of furniture look so used. I did contact the company and it looks like they will replace the slats but honestly after all the work to put them together, it would be difficult to remove them and replace.