I put the stand together for my mother and she loves it, the only situation was that I had to drill 2 small holes on one door for the hinges because the holes that the manufacture had needed to be reversed but that only took 2 seconds. Its nice and sturdy, her 50 tv sits on it perfectly and she loves the color. I dont usually recommend things cause what works for me might not work for someone else but I will say in my opinion the price is good and worth the money.
nice tv stand
I put the stand together for my mother and she loves it, the only situation was that I had to drill 2 small holes on one door for the hinges because the holes that the manufacture had needed to be reversed but that only took 2 seconds. Its nice and sturdy, her 50 tv sits on it perfectly and she loves the color. I dont usually recommend things cause what works for me might not work for someone else but I will say in my opinion the price is good and worth the money.